[This space deliberately left empty.]
This is a webcomic entitled "13th Labour." It is mostly a modern-day fantasy comic including some very surreal elements. And a coven. There will be a coven. There are a couple of different plots going on in "13th Labour, and I plan to blend them indiscriminately. My main purpose in creating a webcomic is to improve my drawing skills. I create it in color, with pen scanned into Photoshop. (A few simple tutorials are here.) "13th Labour" updates two days a week, give or take equipment failure, approximately Tuesday and Thursday, thirty-two weeks a year, usually around midnight Central Time.
Please post on the forum with any suggestions or things I need to fix. And tell me if I did anything right! Constructive criticism is always helpful. If you want to be notified by e-mail when I put up another comic (which might be useful after a hiatus), e-mail me by clicking here.